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Her Mystical Prayer Life

Gemma’s Spiritual Director Fr. Germano, C.P.

Gemma Galgani
St. Gemma Galgani always recited her Daily Prayers,
and practiced Mental Prayer to the Highest Degree

At the age of 21 Gemma was taken in by a generous Italian family, the Giannini’s. The family already had eleven children but was glad to welcome this young and pious orphan into their home. The mother of the family Signora Giustina Giannini would later say of Gemma, “I am able to declare on oath, that during the three years and eight months that Gemma was with us, I never knew of the least trouble arising in our family on her account, and I never noticed in her the least defect. I repeat, not the smallest trouble, not the smallest defect.”

St. Gemma diligently helped with the chores of the large household. She also had time to pray which was her favorite activity. Through Providence she acquired the holy Passionist spiritual director Father Germano, C.P., whom she was totally obedient to.

Father Germano, an eminent theologian in regard to mystical prayer, noted that Gemma had a most profound prayer life and resultant union with God. He was convinced that this “Gem of Christ” had passed through all the nine classic stages of the interior life.

Cecilia Giannini
Cecilia Giannini, "Adopted" Mother of St. Gemma
and Gemma's Closest Confidant

Gemma attended Mass twice a day, while receiving communion once. She faithfully said her rosary, and in the evening, with Signora Giannini, went to vespers. In all of her spiritual exercises Gemma never once neglected her daily duty at the Giannini household.

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