Father Germano
C.P. (St. Gemma’s Spiritual Director) is buried in the same chapel
as St. Gemma Galgani. He authored the classic book, The Life
of St. Gemma Galgani. Many illustrious people hold
Fr. Germano in high esteem. Pope (St.) Pius X having read Father
Germanos “Life of St. Gemma Galgani,” instructed the Cardinal
Secretary of State to write to the author as follows:
"The Holy Father has
charged me to make known to you the great pleasure he derived from
reading the book in which you display a deep knowledge of mystical
theology and describe the riches of extraordinary graces that Our
Lord poured so abundantly into the soul of that innocent maiden.
The August Pontiff trusts that by reading this Life, hearts become
more inflamed with that love of the supernatural which the enemies
of the Faith strive to obliterate." - Cardinal Merry Del Val