Gemma, shortly before
her death, prophesied in detail the establishment of a Passionists
Convent in Lucca which at the time seemed nearly impossible. Regarding
the proposed convent Gemma related to Father Germanus that Jesus
had told her to tell him (Father Germanus) to go to Rome and speak
to the Pope of this desirable work. After her death Father Germanus
followed Gemma’s advice and on October 02, 1903 met with Pope (St.)
Pius X who graciously received him. The Pope was pleased with the
idea of the Passionist Nuns Convent in Lucca and granted his full
approval for it to be built. The Monastery was built and named after
St. Gemma. St. Gemma’s body is entombed on the altar of this sanctuary.
One can also find the tombs of her spiritual director Venerable
Germanus and St. Gemma’s confessor Monsignor Volpi in the same holy